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Your Guide to the Different Types of Wi-Fi

A woman and her daughter look at a tablet while smiling and enjoying Glo Fiber’s lightning-fast in-home Wi-Fi connection.

If you're looking into different types of Wi-Fi and internet for your business, look no further. Learn the differences and price breakdowns in this guide.

The widespread availability of the Internet has completely transformed the world, creating what is practically another essential utility.


It is not every day that an invention becomes nearly as essential as food, water, and roads. On top of that, wireless Internet service provider demand continues to grow, up to 20% in a single year!


The Different Types of Wi-Fi


Of course, a product with such incredible appeal will have many different options. At the same time, most people are not familiar with the different types of Wi-Fi available. As a result, they often end up picking a sub-optimal Wi-Fi option.


So what exactly are the different types of wireless networks and why do they matter? Read on to learn all about the most important things to understand about the different types of Wi-Fi out there!


Wireless LAN Technology


There are basically five different types of Wi-Fi that any quality wireless network buying guide will mention. Whenever you connect to the Internet, you are generally using one of these five choices.


Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) technology is mostly used inside buildings. It has become more and more popular as individual homes have bought home networks during the coronavirus pandemic.


Basically, these systems consist of a modem that is connected to fiber Internet through a cable from a service provider.


In more complicated situations, Wi-Fi repeaters will be connected to the main system. These will extend the range of the system so that you can access the Internet from farther away.


Wireless MAN Options


Metropolitan Area Networks (WAN) are used to provide Wi-Fi to extremely large geographical areas. As the name suggests, they are often used in metropolitan areas.


In a certain sense, these are just giant versions of LAN technology. They have plenty of repeaters that extend the range of Wi-Fi throughout the city.


Wireless PAN


Personal Area Networks (PAN) are the opposite of metropolitan area networks. They provide Internet to an even smaller area than a typical wireless LAN system.


These kinds of systems are often used for Bluetooth devices. They can also provide Internet for very small homes or apartments.


Wireless WAN


Wide Area Networks (WAN) depend on cellular technology. They can allow people to connect to the Internet from almost anywhere in the world. They depend on proximity to cell towers, so they may not function if you are far from cellular service areas.


Fiber Internet


Fiber internet is a more recent technology that is getting more and more popular. It can provide faster speeds than traditional home Wi-Fi networks. It can also be much more reliable since fiber cables are less likely experience electrical or weather interference than signals sent through the air.


Understand All About the Different Types of Wi-Fi


We hope this sheds some light on the different types of Wi-Fi available, and gives you a better understanding of your choices.  


The time that you spend understanding how to make the right choices with your Wi-Fi will pay off in the long run providing hours of a superior Wi-Fi experience.


To learn more about the importance of picking the right kind of Wi-Fi or to find quality suppliers, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!