We found multiple possible matches.
Address not listed? Call 1-833-WANT-GLO
Woo Hoo! Glo Fiber is available in your neighborhood!
Get started with Glo Fiber today and receive:
- Free First Month of Service
- Free Installation
We're sorry.
Unfortunately, your address is not serviceable at this time.
If you are interested in business services, we may be able to serve you. Please visit us at glofiberbusiness.com to request a quote.
Click 'stay in touch' below to register to be notified if this address becomes serviceable in the future. This does not obligate you for service, but will allow us to measure interest and keep you informed on construction plans.
Service may be available at this address
We need more information before we can place an order for service at this address. Click Continue to proceed, or call 1-833-WANT-GLO to speak to a Glo Fiber Customer Service representative.
Woo hoo! Glo Fiber is coming to this area!
Faster Internet speeds are coming to this address as part of a collaboration with local government and federal agencies and may still be in construction.
To speak to someone regarding available services:
- Click Continue below to submit your information
- or call us at 1-833-WANT-GLO
Visit glofiber.com/subsidy to learn more about subsidy programs, approximate construction schedules, and planned services.
There is already service at this address.
If you are moving to this address, please click continue below and we will contact you.
You may also call 1-833-WANT-GLO to speak to a Glo Fiber Customer Service representative.
Woo Hoo! Glo Fiber is on the way!
We’re expanding our network every day. Click Pre-Register below to sign up for EXCLUSIVE PRE-REGISTRATION OFFERS and receive updates on when Glo Fiber will be available in your area.
Woo Hoo! Glo Internet is available in your neighborhood!
Get started with Glo Internet today and receive:
- Free First Month of Service
- Free Installation
Woo Hoo! Glo Fiber is on the way! Pre-register now for FREE Wall to Wall WiFi!
We're not at your address yet, but we are on the way! Pre-register to be notified when service is available, PLUS get an exclusive offer when you sign up - FREE Wall-to-Wall WiFi for 12 months (a $120 value).
Reading Your Bill
You should get your first bill very soon. Here's a breakdown of what to expect.
- Your first bill will be higher than your normal monthly rate due to one-time charges.
- These one-time charges may include installation fees, prorates, services, such as additional outlets, or any purchased equipment.

Sample shown is an example only, and does not reflect actual rates, products or customer information.
Account Summary and Balance
Includes all the critical information you need to know to pay your bill online, over the phone or by mail.
- To Pay Online: Go to glofiber.com and click Sign In to create an account. Once logged in, you can make payments, and update your account settings.
- To pay by phone: You will need your customer and statement numbers shown here to pay using our automated phone system.
- To pay by mail: Fill in the payment amount and return the top portion with payment using the supplied envelope.
Payments should be received by Glo Fiber by the Due Date shown here. Any unpaid balance is subjected to a late charge.
Billing Address
If this address is incorrect in any way, please contact 1-833-WANT-GLO. To change your billing address, use the form on the back of the first page of your bill.
Payment Address
All payments should be sent to:
Glo Fiber
P.O. Box 630762
Cincinatti, Ohio 45263-0762
If you have electronic payments set up through your bank, make sure this address is associated with the payee. If you have signed up for Auto Pay, there will be a message, and no remittance address will be shown here.
Bill Messages
Important legal notices, promotional offers, and product information may appear here.
Statement Summary
This area repeats you account information and important bill dates.
Previous Charges
The amount of your last bill and any outstanding balance will appear here.
Current Charges
Here you will find a quick review of your service charges. Detailed charges related to each service may be found subsequent pages of the bill.
Total Amount Due
The total amount due for this bill to include all current and late charges.
Late Fee Notice
The date a late fee will be charged, and the amount is shown here. This shows on all bills, and it is not an indicator that you have a late fee on your bill.
Payment Barcode
You can pay your bill at partnering retail locations. Simply ask the cashier to scan the bar code. There is a small fee for using this service.